About us


My name is Jamey Moore, born and rooted in Baton Rouge, Louisiana where I spent my childhood years; currently based in Atlanta, Georgia where I have resided for 20+ years.

Since my teenage years and as a young athlete, I've always worked on eating a balanced/healthy diet. Throughout my experience, I’ve found that there are a lot of organic products on the market that is not as palate pleasing and is also very costly.

Through Moore Organic Foods, LLC, I have provided a way for everyone to begin to live a healthier lifestyle without both the complication of locating delicious products on your own, and breaking the bank at the same time. We have over 900 top rated products in our inventory, both organic and vegan friendly. Basically, I have done the research and have made this shopping experience very easy for you! Our website will save you time, money and the frustration of purchasing products that you won't like.

Food is medicine! And it's never too late to "get it right". So, allow us to assist you in obtaining great internal health thorough the foods that you consume on a daily basis. Let's all strive to be healthy and help one another to achieve a goal that’s rewarding in more ways than one. Let’s Eat! 

Many Blessings,

Jamey Moore